So, you need to use your electric bike battery for a long time?
Do you know that most people do not ride their ebikes more than 500 times?
Yes, all the electric bike batteries can be able to charge 500 times.
It is a typical lifespan.
You need to use your bike in a way that you can charge the battery on a regular basis.
It is important that you charge the battery and use it regularly.
One of the most important things to know is to avoid overcharging. It can cause explosions or your battery will damage. There are some points that you need to consider for battery charging.
Follow the simple rule
Lithium Battery likes to stay cool.
Do not let your battery hot, if you want to improve the lifespan of the battery.
It should not get hot either in charging or discharging.
How will you come to know that your battery becomes hot?
You can touch your battery with your fingers. Is it warm? It is not a problem.
If you find it hot to touch then it is bad for your battery. It can shorten your battery life. The same is the case with the overcharged battery. It becomes hot and will damage soon.
Charge your bike in a slow way
It is good for your battery life that you need to charge the Ebike slowly.
If you use a small pack then it will be able to charge slowly.
Always choose a low amperage charger so that it will not charge at a high level.
If you want to increase the life of the battery then you must stick to the low amperage that is about 2-3 amps charger.
You should go to an advanced smart charger. It is able to charge fast and slow with a turn of a knob. It is ideal to charge slowly unless you are in a hurry.
There are several benefits of slow charging.
Too fast charging is hard on batteries of the electric bikes.
It can cause its life expectancy to come down.
It can cause a fire hazard in extreme conditions of charging very fast.
It is good to use lithium batteries for the new bike and you will be able to stick with the slow charger. Always prefer a slow charger in your pack. It is safe and healthy for your battery life.
When to charge and where to charge?
After every ride, it is not necessary to charge your battery after every ride. Lithium batteries are good for you because they should be charged when it is needed.
A big lithium battery is a potential fire risk and should be charged in a secure area.
You can charge it outside, middle of the garage floor and other areas. You can charge it in a safe way that is in a barbecue grill, oven, and fireproof bag.
Do not charge a damaged battery.
Do not charge unsupervised lithium batteries in a building or a house.
You must be cautious because it can catch fire when it is going to be charged.
So, you need to charge them with caution and care.
Always buy a battery from a reliable vendor.
You need to put a smoke and heat detector above the place where you are charging your ebike.
Advanced Charger with 100% charge
Consider purchasing a smart charger that charges your batteries at eighty, ninety or a hundred percent.
You always prefer 100% battery charging for a long ride.
Batteries give a log time performance if these are not charged 100%. It is called a balanced charge.
Prefer balance charging
Advanced BMS has controlled this function of balance charging.
When your battery comes to its peak charging then cells will be balanced slowly. It expands battery life.
Know your high-voltage limits
You need to know what the high-voltage limit of your battery is.
If you are using a wrong charger then it will be a risk for the long life of the battery.
Use the right charger as per the limits of the high-voltage limits.
Consider your low voltage cut off limits
For an ebike user, you need to go for high-voltage cut-off.
It is a clear way that starts to understand your packs.
In this way, you will be able to extend battery life.
It maximizes the rage as per the requirement.
Tools that can help you
For your battery charging and its perfect installation, you need to keep appropriate tools with you.
The majority of the people use inferior quality charging wires or other instruments, it can harm the performance of the battery.
Can Ebike batteries can be charged with a solar panel?
Yes, it is possible to charge the batteries on the solar panel.
Staying warm on the budget with the energy bills is what most people are looking forward to this winter season.
With the cold wind, it is a brilliant way to keep the apartment warm without needing to pay too much on the energy bills.
You can save a good amount of electricity with these panels.
These panels are in the open air and for the ebike batteries charging, it is good to charge the battery in the open air.
There are many ways strategies and tactics to reduce energy including better weatherproofing, insulation, actual energy and many more. This is a cost-saving procedure.
The home solar energy systems are highly wonderful to increase the safety of your home, time and money.
These are easily available in the market. These are affordable as well.
Avoids explosion and fire risks
You should not charge the ebike batteries in the insulated apartment.
Check on the insulation of the apartment to see if the insulations are properly installed.
Move down to the attic to see that all spots are insulated properly.
Find out what insulation materials are needs in the home to keep the environment warm.
Make sure that the areas of your home are air packed- air packed apartments have lesser heating as well as cooling bills.
If the air is allowed to escape through cracks and vents that the heating machine has to take up more pressure in order to heat up the bill.
Therefore it is important to take note that the house is sealed and there is no air of the warm air from the apartment.
Now, you need to charge the battery in the area where the environment is safe for charging. To avoid any risk of fire or explosion, open-air charging with a solar panel is a good option.
Is it good to use low energy solar system?
If you are going to charge your ebike battery from the solar panel, then you need to focus on the panel that offers slow charging because fast charging can create a problem for your ebike battery.
All these things are very easy to use because these are user’s friendly items.
Close the heating vents for rooms that are not in use- if you have unused rooms in the apartments there is no need to heat them.
Close the vents of the room.
The temperature will fall down but it will definitely lower your heating bill at the same time.
Use solar ovens
Solar ovens will reduce your energy bill by heating the surrounding.
This keeps you safe from being beaten up by the winds and also using the oven keeps the home warm and comfortable.
In the winter, more energy is required to generate the heating system.
The solar energy is the best way to reduce your bill.
To save maximum solar energy is the right decision.
These planned moves will help you keep warm during the winter months and also not pose a threat to the heating bill budget.