Saddle & e bike seat: How to setup right? How to fit size?

I am very fond of bikes from a very early age.

From my childhood days, the thing that I always wanted to do was to just get on the road and start riding. This is what took me here at this point. I’m now a pro at riding and biking science.

However, one thing that even a person like finds it challenging to do is to find the perfect saddle and bike seat for myself.

Riding bikes is half done if the seat size is apt. This is an art and only practice and time will get you through it.

Tricks to Finding the perfect Saddle and Bike

Like I mentioned earlier, this task is an art and takes a lot of practice and know-how to be accomplished. Years and years of bicycle experience have made me able to hold a grip on it. Trial and error are the keys.

You’ll never know which kind of saddle or bike seat is the most suitable for you unless you actually try multiple numbers of them. You won’t actually realize the right size of the bike unless you have tried on quite a few.

Over the course of my bicycle experience, I have gained some useful information on the science of setting up the saddle and bike seat. I have gathered a few tricks and tips that may come in handy while choosing the right saddle and size for you.

I have compiled them in the form of points below. Give them read. I hope these tips are going to help you as much as they have helped me over time.

Your Riding Style and Your Saddle Choice:

One of the most important factors while choosing a saddle is the type of biker. It largely depends on what kind pf bicycling are you into.

Whether its for recreation or sports at your campus or you can also be a national or state level professional rider. The choice of the saddle largely depends on the kind of your cycling experience.

Riding types include Aero, Race, Sports, Recreation and Casual. Starting from Aero where your trunk is fairly horizontal, in Race you have got a slight arch in your back and it is a little lifted as compared to Aero.

Sports, Recreation and Casual have your back lifted up vertically on varying degrees.

Another factor while choosing for saddles largely depends on the kind of bicycle you are riding. It greatly affects the choice of the saddle and you should make your pick accordingly.

There are large, plushy and gel-filled saddles for comfortable riding. They are broad to support your body base while riding.

These are built for more of comfortable riding experience, in which the focus of the rider is on body comfort. These kinds of saddles can go for a long ride easily and won’t wear off the rider and can be used for Sports or Recreation purposes.

Then there are the sleeker ones. The saddles whose general outlook is so sleek and thin, they might look very uncomfortable to sit at first glance, but they’re not.

They are in fact super suited for high-end riders who look for speed when bicycling. These are very light-weight and hence super apt for the speeding and racing cycling experience.

My Tricks on How to finding the right size for your Saddle:

Once you have found the right saddle for you, you’re good to go to the next step. Finding the right size for the saddle is equally important as finding the right type.

I have seen people who put all the effort in finding the perfect type of saddle, trying all the types and choosing the most apt, and still not having a comfortable riding experience.

This happened with me too until I did not know any better. Until I hadn’t discovered the importance of the right size of saddles.

Not having the right size can cause a lot of complications in addition to the discomfort riding experience.

It can cause pain in the buttocks because of faulty pressure points. It can also lead to poor blood circulation leading to other problems.

The right-sizing techniques depend largely on the size of your sit bones. These are the bones in your hips that you put all weight on when sitting.

Your cycling type determines how much weight are you putting on your sit bones when cycling and in what dimension. For example, in Aero or Racing type, you’re lean more towards the forward and your body is more in a horizontal dimension so the weight of your body is put more in the front of the saddle.

As compared to the casual racing type where your sitting almost vertically and your weight is on the exact point of your sit bones or ischial tuberosities.

You have to consider these facts when picking up your saddle.

One of the Older Myths that Needs to be Popped:

In my riding experience, I have always encountered people who look at my saddle and give me the ‘oh my god you don’t have a cushioned bike seat’ look. And while it’s considerate and thoughtful, trust me guys I appreciate your concern, but I also want to pop a bubble here.

The common myth is that the more cushioned the saddle is, the more comfortable it will be. This concept is a myth and not true at all.

I have personally experience both fully cushioned and comparably non-cushioned saddles and I have come to the conclusion that both kinds of saddles are equally comfortable depending upon the need of the rider.

Another thing that needs to be considered while choosing your saddle is whether the rider is a man or a woman. Yes, that’s true. The saddle type for both the sexes is different. This is large because of the different biology and body structure of the male and female bodies.

As a general rule, women’s saddle tends to be broader and shorter in length as compared to the saddle for men.

The road to Finding the Perfect Saddle Fit:

Finding the right saddle type and size is a game that I always enjoy playing. Experimenting with different types, shapes and brands are what makes my riding experience so much fun.

There are many brands out there who help people like you and me. They have professionals at their studios who help you pick up the best fit.

Some of them are also offering try-outs that you can ride for a week and see if they’re the right match for you.

In conclusion, I can only say that there is no ‘perfect’ saddle in the world. More like finding the perfect life partner, finding the perfect saddle is a matter of luck and dedication. It’s all about finding the one that is right for you and your bicycling needs.

You can surely benefit from my experiences and my tips and tricks but you really have to get out there, do a little hit and trial and then find what’s perfect for you. Let me know in the comments what you think about these tips and share with me your own saddle hunt experiences.

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